181 research outputs found

    Development of an industrial toxic and hazardous waste management model based on end-of-pipe and industrial ecology approaches

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    This study attempts to evaluate the existing industrial toxic and hazardous wastes management systems in Malaysia and subsequently proposed a new model for enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of the system. This includes analyzing the trends in waste generation, industrial development, industrial production and waste recovery. Evaluation and analysis of policy and management were focused on four main sectors, namely, legislation, institutional, financial and technology (LIFT). Findings of evaluation and analysis as well as other information gathered were used to determine issues and gaps in managing wastes. Subsequently the study developed a model for a better management system based on ex-ante Industrial Ecology model for industrial toxic and hazardous waste management in Malaysia using ecosystem concept and approach within the sustainable industrial development perspective. Trend analysis has been conducted which includes the analysis of waste generation, waste recovery, industrial development and industrial output. Malaysian industry generated 4.1 million metric tons of toxic and hazardous wastes from 1994 to 2003, with an average of 418,230 metric tons per year. It appeared that the growth trend of manufacturing in terms of production index and GDP contribution had a positive correlation with waste generation prior to 1996 and after 1997. The management of wastes in Malaysia could be categorized into three activities namely, treatment and disposal, export to foreign countries, and waste recovery. The analysis of waste distribution supported the suggestion for the ecosystem approach management. This is due to the fact that increasing amounts of toxic and hazardous waste has been recovered following the adoption of waste recycling and resource efficiency initiatives. The amount of waste being recovered has doubled from 120,570 metric tons in 2000 to 250,260 metric tons in year 2003. In terms of percentage of waste recovery represented 34.99% for 2000 and 54.30% for 2003, respectively of total wastes generated with estimated value of RM 2.83 billion. Further investigation and analysis has been performed to determine the applicability of ecosystem approach for toxic and hazardous management in Malaysia. Policy and management analyses were conducted to examine the importance of the factors based on LIFT sectors. These identified factors were adopted as the main components towards the development of an ex-ante Industrial Ecology model for a better toxic and hazardous waste management in Malaysia. The model was created as an ecosystem encompassing four habitats. Each of these habitats has its own role, function and service as well as the networks between the habitats improves the ecosystem efficiency. Essentially the ex-ante model ecosystem focused on managing the flow of waste as a resource with the main target being to increase the cycle of waste to resources and to reduce the flow of resources to waste. In essence it promotes more pro-active roles by industry and business and helps to enhance their environmental image thus increasing consumer confidence in their products and therefore sales. The overall finding of the present study clearly indicates that ecosystem approach proved to be useful. The benefits include minimization of waste disposals to the environment, reduction of dependency on natural resources such as land use for disposal sites and enhancement of efficient monitoring and enforcement activity. Finally all these benefits would lead to increased benefits to government and the society in terms of achieving sustainable industrial development in Malaysia

    Study of the influence of thermobaric conditions on the rheological characteristics of plugging solutions for insulation works

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    Since most of the fields in the Absheron peninsula of the Republic of Azerbaijan are at the final stage of development, an inevitable reduction in hydrocarbon production is expected. An increase in the proportion of formation water in well production, the presence of intra-reservoir, annulus and other cross-flows in this region, in most cases, is associated with inefficient isolation work. The development of effective recipes for cement slurries with controlled rheological properties is relevant. Natural zeolite was used as an additive to control the rheological properties of cement slurries. A feature of zeolites is the presence of a system of regular channels and communicating cavities capable of holding ions, atoms and molecules of substances, whose size corresponds to the size of free space. Zeolite (clinoptilolite) has the following properties: adsorption ā€’ the ability to absorb and release various substances; ion exchange ā€’ the ability to exchange cations; catalytic ā€’ the ability to speed up chemical reactions. In addition, clinoptilolite has a molecular sieve effect that transmits (filtration) and absorbs molecules of various substances selectively. In the course of experiments, the effects of zeolite dispersions on the physicochemical parameters of cement stone were studied. When regulating the rheological properties of cement slurries with zeolite additives, it is necessary to determine the effect of thermobaric factors on the values of these properties. In studies to assess the effect of temperature on the rheological properties of zeolite-cement mortars, they were carried out for the temperature range of 25Ć·75 


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    Kucing merupakan hewan peliharaan yang banyak diminati oleh masarakat. Dalam memelihara kucing tentu perlu diperhatikan kesehatannya, bila tidak kucing akan mudah terserang penyakit. Penyebab penyakit yang menyerang kucing berasal dari parasit, virus, protozoa dan mikroba. Tindakan pertama yang dilakukan oleh pemelihara kucing ketika hewan peliharaannya sakit ialah segera membawa kucing tersebut ke dokter hewan terdekat, namun hal itu menjadi terhambat karena terbatasnya penyebaran dokter hewan khususnya di kota-kota kecil. Sistem pakar merupakan sebuah perangkat lunak yang mengakuisisi pengetahuan seorang pakar ke dalam sebuah sistem terkomputasi. Sistem pakar ini menggunakan metode NaĆÆve Bayes dan Certainty Factor. Kedua metode di atas dapat mencari nilai dan dapat menentukan penyakit kucing berdasarkan perhitungannya masing-masing, kemudian kedua metode tersebut dibandingkan berdasarkan tingkat kompleksitas dan akurasinya. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kompleksitas metode NaĆÆve Bayes ialah sebesar 2, sedangkan metode Certainty Factor sebesar 3. Walaupun metode Certainty Factor memiliki tingkat kompleksitas lebih besar dari NaĆÆve Bayes, dalam perbandingan akurasi metode NaĆÆve Bayes memiliki nilai lebih tinggi yaitu 90 % dibandingkan dengan metode certainty factor yang hanya sebesar 60 %. Dalam penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode NaĆÆve Bayes merupakan yang terbaik.;---Cat is a one of popular pet according to peopleā€™s choices. Cat often attacked by several desease easily if we donā€™t care about its wellness. Parasite, virus, protozoa and microbes that causes an illness to a cat. The first aid if people get their cat got ill is by bring it to a veteriner, but this is become a problem when dispersal of veteriner is less especially at the countryside. Expert system is a software that can develop a knowledge of an expert into computational system. The expert system used NaĆÆve Bayes and Certainty Factors methods. Both of them can find their own value from each equations and determines catā€™s desease based on their own calculation, and then compared between its algorithm complexity and accuracy. Based on research above complexity level of NaĆÆve Bayes is 2, and Certainty Factor is 3. Though Certainty Factor has a bigger value of its complexity than NaĆÆve Bayes, at accuracy comparison NaĆÆve Bayes has a bigger value, about 60 %, on the other side Certainty Factor just has 40 %. NaĆÆve Bayes is the best methods in this research


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    ABSTRACTĀ Melaka is known as the most historic state and is also a popular tourist destination in Malaysia. With the legacy of old buildings by past occupiers such as A Famosa, Christ Church, St. Paul's Building and others recognize Melaka being one of the World Heritage States. Along time ago, the title of "Sleeping Hollow" state have been called for the slow economic situation and development conditions. Year 2000 to 2010 has shown a lot of environmental development and progress has been made, making Malacca eligible to be developed as a developed state in 2010. Next, Melaka continues to drive development opportunities to achieve green state urban status. The great expectation of the success of the mission is based on the needs of development in line with the will of the state government as well as the whole society. Researchers use qualitative methods where research on the documentation of official government materials as well as the search of information sources from journal articles, books and online data as the main reference. The findings have shown that the mission and strategy of development implementation are indispensable to continue to drive the state's development for the sake of sustainability of the development itself. This study is also expected to contribute to clarifying the importance of green technology in driving the development of Melaka state now and beyond.Ā Keywords: Green Technology, Policy Guideline and Future Developmen

    Evaluasi Stabilitas Bendung Dan Pondasi Spillway Dengan Memperhatikan Adanya Zona Gempa Pada Perencanaan Proyek Bendungan Way Apu Di Maluku Selatan

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    Bendungan Way Apu dibangun oleh Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum untuk mendistribusikan air secara merata pada Pulau Buru, Maluku Selatan. Nantinya, proyek ini direncanakan akan menjadi proyek bendungan terbesar dan termahal di wilayah Maluku. Sehingga kedepannya, Pulau Buru akan menjadi lumbung padi nasional untuk wilayah Indonesia Timur. Oleh karena itu, Bendungan Way Apu akan menjadi proyek yang vital untuk daerah Maluku Utara. Bendungan way apu merupakan sebuah bendungan yang akan menampung air dengan elevasi ketinggian mencapai 24 m dari dasar bendung dengan tinggi bangunan Spillway mencapai 37 m, hal ini menimbulkan tekanan air yang besar. Serta lokasi Pulau Buru yang terletak pada gugusan pulau Maluku Selatan yang diapit oleh 2 lempeng tektonik dunia, sehingga mengakibatkan Pulau Buru ini memiliki potensi gempa yang tinggi. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini akan dievaluasi terkait stabilitas bendung dan pondasi spillway dari aspek geoteknik dengan mempertimbangkan adanya zona gempa sekaligus perencanaan perkuatan jika bendung dan spillway dari bendungan way apu ini tidak stabil. Berdasarkan evaluasi tanah asli, membutuhkan waktu 7 tahun untuk selesai konsolidasi hingga 90%. Namun dalam perencanaan, bendungan akan dibiarkan mengalami konsolidasi tanpa perlu adanya preloading. Dari hasil analisa konsolidasi pada zona barat mengalami konsolidasi sebesar 1,44 meter, zona tengah sebesar 1,76 meter dan zona timur sebesar 1,21 meter. Evaluasi perencanaan awal tubuh bendung menggunakan bantuan program PLAXIS 8.6. Skema evaluasi dibagi empat kondisi, kondisi kosong, kondisi muka air normal, kodisi muka air banjir, dan kondisi rapid drawdown dengan pengaruh gempa dan tanpa pengaruh gempa. Untuk analisa evaluasi awal, hasil SF yang didapatkan kurang dari kriteria, sehingga direncanakan beberapa perkuatan tanah dasar berupa penggantian lapisan teratas tanah dasar dibawah tubuh bendung (2 m dari dasar tubuh bendung), Penambahan lapisan Geotextile pada dasar tubuh bendung (3 lapis dan 5 lapis), Melakukan grouting pada daar tubuh bendung (sedalam 2m dari dasar tubuh bendung). Dari ketiga jenis perkuatan tersebut Grouting dan penggantian lapisan tanah dasar dibawah bendung dengan pasir yang memenuhi kriteria desain stabiitas tubuh bendung. Untuk Analisa pondasi spillway digunakan beberapa syarat kontrol untuk menghitung stabilitasnya, stabilitas terhadap guling, stabilitas terhadap geser, stabilitas terhadap piping dan stabilitas terhadap daya dukung. Hasil analisa evaluasi pondasi spilway stabilitas terhadap daya dukung tidak cukup, sehingga perlu di tambahkan perkuatan tiang pancang, dari perhitungan didapatkan kebutuhan tiang pancang sebanyak 7179 buah yang di pasang didasar pondasi spillway

    Perbuatan Melawan Hukum Karena Mengganggu Ketentraman (Tinjauan Yuridis Putusan Nomor 71/PDT.G/2018/PN. Yyk.)

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    Usaha Oxen Free Bar, CafƩ, Lounge, Disco, Beer Garden dibuka di Jl. Sosrowijayan 2 Kota Yogyakarta pada tahun 2012. Oxen Free terletak di pemukiman warga. Sejak dibukanya usaha Oxen Free tersebut, setiap malam lepas tengah malam diadakan live music (pertunjukan musik) di ruang terbuka tanpa menggunakan peredam suara. Suara bising yang ditimbulkan pertunjukan musik tersebut menimbulkan gangguan terhadap ketentraman dan ketenangan warga masyarakat di sekitar tempat usaha tersebut. Atas gangguan tersebut, diputus di dalam Putusan Nomor 71/PDT.G/2018/PN. Yyk. Tujuan penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam mengkualifisir unsur-unsur perbuatan melawan hukum di dalam Putusan Nomor 71/PDT.G/2018/PN. Yyk. dan untuk menganalisis pertimbangan hukum hakim terhadap tuntutan ganti kerugian di dalam Putusan Nomor 71/PDT.G/2018/PN. Yyk. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif dengan spesifikasi penelitian preskriptif analisis, dengan menggunakan data sekunder, pengumpulan data dengan studi kepustakaan, serta data yang dikumpulkan kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk teks naratif dan analisis data normatif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hakim mengkualifisir Oxen Free Bar, CafƩ, Lounge, Disco, Beer Garden yang mengganggu ketentraman dan ketenangan sebagai perbuatan melawan hukum yang melanggar unsur kewajiban hukum berupa menyalahi izin gangguan yang diberikan kepadanya dengam melanggar Pasal 11 ayat (3) Peratuean Daerah Kota Yogyakarta No. 2 Tahun 2005 Tentang Izin Gangguan dan melanggar unsur kepatutan berupa diadakannya pertunjukan live music yang mengganggu ketentraman Penggugat dan warga di sekitar Oxen Free. Tuntutan ganti kerugian dikabulkan sebagian oleh hakim, yaitu hakim menolak tuntutan ganti kerugian berupa pembayaran sejumlah uang secara tanggung renteng sebesar Rp. 500.000.000.000 (lima ratus miliar rupiah) karena tidak dibuktikan dengan alat bukti yang sah, dan hakim mengabulkan tuntutan ganti kerugian berupa pengembalian keadaan seperti semula dengan menghukum Tergugat I untuk menutup usaha Oxen Free Bar, Cafe, Lounge, Disco, Beer Garden di Jl. Sosrowijayan 2 Kota Yogyakarta serta menghukum Tergugat I untuk membayar denda sebesar Rpp. 5.000.000 (lima juta rupiah) untuk setiap hari keterlambatan menutup usaha Oxen Free, terhitung sejak putusan mendapatkan kekuatan hukum tetap


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    Notaries are general officials authorized to do authentic deeds; notaries must comply with laws and regulations and professional codes of ethics. One form of action that deviates from the provisions of rules and regulations and professional codes of ethics is concurrent positions, namely as the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD). The purpose of the research in this study is to analyze the legal consequences of the concurrent position of a Notary as a DPRD based on the Notary Position Law. This research was carried out using the Normative Juridical method. The normative Juridical Method is a legal research method aiming to gain knowledge about a legal event. The results of the study can be concluded that the Notary Position Law does not regulate the legal consequences of the concurrent position of a Notary as a DPRD. DPRD is not a State Official. As a result of the legal consequences, notaries who concurrently serve as DPRD are regulated by UUMD3, which expressly explains that the DPRD is prohibited from together doing as a Notary. Notaries who together do as DPRD will be subject to sanctions in the form of dismissal as members of the DPRD

    Perancangan taman festival seni dan budaya Bali dengan pendekatan Iconic

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    Bali merupakan pulau yang kaya akan seni dan budaya,terutama pada sektor fasilitas pertunjukan seni. Namun tidak dapat di pungkiri bahwa Bali masih memiliki masalah dalam sektor tersebut. Beberapa masalahnya diantara lain adalah kurangnya jumlah sarana dan prasarana pementasan kesenian,belum memiliki gedung kesenian yang representatif,dan fasilitas pada gedung pertunjukan yang sudah ada kurang memadai. Untuk itu perancangan taman festival seni dan budaya bali dengan pendekatan iconic diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi akan permasalahan tersebut. Perancangan ini menggunakan pendekatan iconic dengan implementasi prinsip desain dewata nawa sanga yang merupakan nilai kepercayaan masyarakat bali yang telah diterima secara historis dan merepresentasikan karakter masyarakat sekitar. Prinsip desain dewata nawa sanga yang di implementasikan antara lain asta kosala kosali atau kaidah penataan massa bangunan kuno bali,tri mandala atau optimalisasi fungsi,tri hita karana yaitu keseimbangan kosmologis,tri angga hirarki tata nilai,sanga mandala orientasi kosmologis,natah konsep ruang luar,kajah kangin dan kelod yang merupakan sumbu suci antara gunung dan laut,kejujuran material,kejujuran struktur,dan perhitungan sakral. Pada bagian akhir di harapkan hasil perancangan dapat mengatasi masalah masalah yang terjadi pada masyarakat dengan rancangan beserta pendekatan arsitektur yang telah di terapkan

    Carbon emission from vehicular source in selected industrial areas in Malaysia

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    Vehicle emission has been the major source of environmental pollution for the past 30 years. The urbanization, industrialization and traffic systems growth are causing more air pollution problem in the city creating an uncomfortable atmosphere to live in. Carbon emission is one of the main air pollutants causing problems in the local and global community. This paper discusses the effect of increasing vehicular traffic on the road in a few industrial sites within cities in Malaysia to the release of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere. This paper studies the traffic trend using census data from JKJR and converted into carbon emission using DEFRA GHG Conversion Factors and air quality trend from Alam Sekitar Malaysia in three selected industrial area in Malaysia, which are Shah Alam Industrial Area, Seremban-Senawang Industrial Area and Kuantan-Pekan Industrial Area. Carbon monoxide concentration trend in Shah Alam and Seremban-Senawang fluctuates with the highest concentration of 1.78ppm for Shah Alam and 0.77ppm in Seremban-Senawang in the earlier years and becoming lower in 2010 and 2011 compared to the trend in Kuantan-Pekan, which increased since 2001 to 2011 with the highest concentration of 0.54ppm. Carbon dioxide concentration is highest at Shah Alam ranging from 18067.17 to 88150.01 kg CO2 /km travelled compared to Kuantan-Pekan ranging from 3520.39 to 6953.69 kg CO2 /km travelled and Seremban-Senawang ranging from 3783.29 to 5734.30 kg CO2 /km travelled. Based on the early findings, the increasing vehicular traffic resulted in increment of carbon emission in the atmosphere
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